Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Choice screams in both ears.
It blankets you in ambivalence.
It screams, "make a decision!"


Choice is a constant in everybody's life. No matter what you do you can't escape from choice, on his journey Santiago had to make decisions that would effect him and his destiny. If he had chosen not to trust the boy in the market place he would still have his money, but would not have learned about Mak'tub or have met the crystal merchant. Choice is something faced by all cultures, all religions and has been around since the beginning of time. Choice transends time and culture. If somebody is a different religion or culture than you it doesn't mean that they don't have to make decisions, to choose a religion you have been given a choice and made a decision. Many people fear a dog's bark more than it's bite, the same goes for choice, many people fear making the wrong choice and having to suffer the consequences then actually making the choice. When i was still a little kid I made a decision to eat candy for dinner instead of actual nutritious food. This was a very bad mistake because i also made the bad decision of not brushing my teeth. As expected the next morning i had 2 cavities on my back teeth. If i had chosen to eat regular food i would have gone without my sweets, but if i had brushed my teeth i could have made a good choice and forgotten about the bad decision i made previously. but when you make 1 bad decision you seem to set off a chain reaction that keeps going and going until you stop it.

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